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    Create Thriving Students

    Prepare students for a future as unique as they are with CliftonStrengths® for Students.

    For Students

    Live your best life.

    For Schools

    Build a strengths-based institution.

    Give Students the Best Chance to Succeed

    The CliftonStrengths for Students report gives students the confidence, clarity, empowerment and self-awareness they need to succeed in school and in life.

    When a student understands what they do best, it gives them a leg up -- helping them thrive academically, socially and in their future career.

    Get started now by helping students discover their unique strengths.

    Learn more about how the CliftonStrengths assessment works.

    Using Strengths to Build a Better Student Experience

    More than 700,000 students discover and develop their strengths each year, because more than 1,000 colleges and universities know the value of a strengths-based education.

    Furman University's Strengths-Based Approach to Education

    See how Furman University uses CliftonStrengths for Students to help students understand who they are and what they can contribute to the world.

    How Wellbeing Is Advancing the Volunteer Spirit at UT

    See how leaders at the University of Tennessee support student success with the help of CliftonStrengths.

    Purdue's Strengths-Based Approach to Thriving Students

    Learn how a strengths-based lens for resiliency and wellbeing helps Purdue University students thrive.

    How Virginia Tech Uses CliftonStrengths for Students

    Discover how Virginia Tech uses CliftonStrengths for Students to spark conversations about meaning, purpose and what a powerful education can and should be.

    The Path to Becoming a Strengths-Based Campus: Kansas State

    Learn about Kansas State University's journey to become a CliftonStrengths-based campus and the lessons campus leaders have learned along the way.

    Subscribe to the insights you need to help students succeed.

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    CliftonStrengths for Schools

    Ready to grow strengths for your institution?

    Learn more about the Don Clifton Strengths for Students Award Winners, like the schools featured below.

    University of Nebraska Lincoln
    The University of Tennessee Knoxville
    Villinova University
    Kansas State University
    Virginia Tech
    Western University Canada
    Purdue University
    Furman University

    These institutions are using strengths to:

    Deepen student and campus engagement
    Enhance campus culture
    Increase retention
    Improve wellbeing
    Develop leadership skills
    Guide pre-college advising
    Help students consider postgraduation possibilities

    And it's not just for students. Educators and staff who know what they do best and develop their own strengths are more engaged at work and better equipped to foster transformational learning experiences.

    Unlock strengths for your faculty, staff and more.

    Want more development opportunities and implementation techniques?
    Check out our variety of courses to fit your learning needs.

    Strengths Is Just the Beginning

    Gallup offers many additional strengths-focused education initiatives for all types of schools, universities, institutions and districts -- including special pricing and the opportunity to use our Gallup Access platform. If you're interested in learning more, contact us today.